Negative mentoring experiences and outcomes: the mediating effects of dissatisfaction with formal mentoring support

  • Okurame, D.E.


The study explored the role of dyad mismatch, mentor distancing and manipulative behaviour (negative mentoring experiences) and the mediating effects of dissatisfaction with formal mentoring support on job stress and affective commitment (outcomes). Data were obtained from 167 employees drawn from banking organisations in Nigeria using a questionnaire. Results showed that dyad mismatch (β= .16, p < .05) and mentor's distancing behaviour (β= .15, p < .05) were significantly and positively related to dissatisfaction with formal mentoring support but mentor's manipulative behaviour was insignificant. Dyad mismatch (β = .13, p < .05) and mentor's distancing behaviour (β = .25, p < .01) had a significant positive relationship with job stress that was mediated by dissatisfaction with formal mentoring support. The significant negative relationship between mentor's distancing behaviour and affective commitment (β = -.17, P < .05) was mediated by dissatisfaction with mentoring support while mentor's manipulative behaviour had a significant direct influence on affective commitment (β = -.32, p < .001). Practical implications of findings and future research directions are discussed.
